3 items matched name="Sterregazerers Gylde of the Shire of the Shadowlands".
- Shadowlands, Shire of the
- Sable, a comet bendwise sinister Or between in bend a mullet of nine points and an increscent argent.
Badge registered for the Sterregazerers Gylde of the Shire of the Shadowlands in August of 1983 via Ansteorra.
- Sable, a comet bendwise sinister Or between in bend a mullet of nine points and an increscent argent.
- Sterregazerers Gylde of the Shire of the Shadowlands
- Household name was registered to Shadowlands, Shire of the in August of 1983 via Ansteorra.
- Name referenced in a registration by Shadowlands, Shire of thein August of 1983 via Ansteorra.
End of Results
Total Registrations: 1 name, 1 armory
- Badge: 1 current
- Non-personal Name: 1 current