5 items matched name="Racheldis of Swanmere".
- Gabrielle Winter
- Argent, a brown monkey passant proper within an annulet azure.
Badge registered jointly with Racheldis of Swanmere in November of 2013 via AEthelmearc.
Primary Owner
- Argent, a brown monkey passant proper within an annulet azure.
- Racheldis of Swanmere
- Name was registered in August of 2012 via AEthelmearc.
- Per fess vert and azure, a fess wavy argent between a rapier fesswise reversed and a swan naiant argent.
Device registered in August of 2012 via AEthelmearc. - Argent, a brown monkey passant proper within an annulet azure.
Badge registered jointly with Gabrielle Winter in November of 2013 via AEthelmearc.
Secondary Owner - Name referenced as joint registrant of a badge with Gabrielle Winterin November of 2013 via AEthelmearc.
End of Results
Total Registrations: 1 name, 3 armory
- Badge: 2 current
- Device: 1 current
- Personal Name: 1 current