7 items matched name="Etienne Xavier Bondurant de Blacquemoor".
- Etienne Xavier Bondurant de Blacquemoor
- Name was registered in May of 1987 via the West.
- Purpure, a caltrap inverted between two palets argent.
Device registered in January of 1986 via the West. - Per pale purpure and argent, a caltrap inverted counterchanged.
Badge registered in October of 1987 via the West. - Purpure, a caltrop inverted conjoined to a pair of wings displayed argent.
Badge registered in December of 1987 via the West.
- Etienne Xavier Bondurant de Blaquemoor
- Name appeared in October of 1987 via the West as a mis-spelling of Etienne Xavier Bondurant de Blacquemoor. The error was corrected in September of 2006 via the West
- Myrddin Blacquemoor
- Name registered in January of 1986 via the West, then changed to Etienne Xavier Bondurant de Blacquemoor in May of 1987 via the West.
- Étienne Xavier Bondurant du Blaquemoor
- Name appeared in December of 1987 via the West as a mis-spelling of Etienne Xavier Bondurant de Blacquemoor. The error was corrected in September of 2006 via the West
End of Results
Total Registrations: 1 name, 3 armory
- Badge: 2 current
- Device: 1 current
- Personal Name: 1 current, 1 change