5 items matched name="Drystan ap Ercwlff".
- Drystan ap Ercwlff
- Name was registered in October of 2020 via Avacal.
- Per chevron wavy sable and paly wavy Or and gules, a harp ermine.
Device registered in November of 2020 via Avacal. - (Fieldless) A bull passant gules sustaining on its back a dunghill cock argent.
Badge registered for Tavern of the Cock and Bull in May of 2021 via Avacal. - (Fieldless) A harp ermine.
Badge registered in May of 2021 via Avacal.
- Tavern of the Cock and Bull
- Household name was registered to Drystan ap Ercwlff in May of 2021 via Avacal.
End of Results
Total Registrations: 2 name, 3 armory
- Badge: 2 current
- Device: 1 current
- Personal Name: 1 current
- Non-personal Name: 1 current