Date/Kingdom Search Hints

Here are some hints for using the Date/Kingdom Search Form. The purpose of the form is to find all items registered during a particular period of time, through particular kingdoms of the SCA.

Search Criteria

  1. Select the inclusive starting and ending dates of the period of interest. With most browsers, months are selected from a menu, by dragging with the mouse. Years are selected by typing the common-era year (or the last two digits thereof) in the text-entry boxes.
  2. Select the kingdoms of interest. With most browsers, kingdoms are selected (or deselected) by clicking with the mouse on a box next to the Kingdom's name.

Display Options

You can specify how you want your search results sorted. There are three options: by name, by date of last action, and by blazon. It is usually easiest to find items when they are sorted by name.

The "Result Limit" option controls the size of your search result. It defaults to 200, but you can change this to another number to see more or fewer results. If more than this number of items match your criteria, you will see a notice linking to an explanation of the limit feature.

The "A.S. Dates" option controls whether dates are shown in modern style (Common Era year/A.D.) or SCA style (Anno Societatis). The SCA calendar counts years from the SCA's "First Tournament" (1 May 1966) and traditionally uses Roman numerals for years.

The "Glossary Links" option controls whether blazons are displayed with links to the heraldic glossary. These links are helpful if you are unclear on the meanings of basic blazon terms.

The "Armory Descriptions" option controls whether armory description codes are shown under each blazon.

Submitting the Search

The button at the bottom of the form marked "search for items matching the dates/kingdoms above" is used to launch the search. The server takes no action until you click on the button.

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